Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Salina, Kansas

We got a late start this morning (mostly due to a certain teenagers desire to sleep), so we only made it as far as Salina, Kansas today. It has been years since I've driven across Kansas, but I think I remember a bit from way back when - flat, hot, oil wells, thunderstorms, hot, flat, etc. It was pretty much the same today, except it was hot, flat - oh, I said that already.

The weather was beautiful in Denver this morning and made for a nice drive out of town. The roads in Colorado, in general are pretty good. Wyoming was okay as well. Utah and Idaho were fair. Kansas has been great so far. Very smooth and well maintained, as are the rest stops. Well, I don't know how smooth the rest stops are actually, but they were well maintained and clean.

We drove under a huge thunderstorm cell that looks quite ominous. I think, but I'm not positive, that we saw a tornado attempting to form at one point. It would begin to drop down and then fall apart, then repeat. Quite interesting! We did pass a couple of interesting tourist attractions - the largest live prairie dog in Kansas along with a 5 legged cow, the Dwight D. Eisenhower museum (that actually would be pretty interesting if we had time), and a sign commemorating the birthplace of Bob Dole and Arlan Specter. I wonder what adventures await us tomorrow?

We had a wonderful stay with my cousin Steve and his wife Brenda in Littleton, CO. Even as busy as they are, they made time for us and made us feel very welcome. Thanks to both of you!!

I'll be processing and posting some photos on my Flickr site later tonight if I stay awake. There is a much better internet connection here, so I might try to get some posted here too.

That's all for tonight I think. Sleep well.

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