Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 2 and 3

We made it to Denver today. The motel we had in Green River, Wyoming last night promised internet service, but it was so weak and slow that I couldn't connect. The trip from Boise, ID to Green River was hot and long, but largely uneventful. The scenery was pretty amazing.

We stopped in Twin Falls, ID and watched parachutists prepare for a jump off the bridge over the Snake River many feet below. According to one the guys I talked to, they get 2 seconds of free fall, 10 to 12 seconds under the canopy, then a 20 minute hike back to the top. After that, it takes an hour or so to repack their chutes for another exciting 14 seconds. I'm not sure I'd be willing to do that, but they were quite pumped. This is also the place where Evil Knievel attempted to jump across the canyon in a rocket powered vehicle. He didn't make it. (

This morning in Green River, I went outside as the sun was coming up to see a spectacular sunrise. I'm going to post photos tomorrow of that and other sites along the way. We stopped in Laramie, WY to try to find a Starbucks that my GPS insisted was there. As we circled the block trying to locate it, the sweet voice of the GPS just kept repeating, "Recalculating..." We finally gave up and drove on to Fort Collins, CO.

CSU in Fort Collins in one of the places my daughter is considering for grad school. We were quite impressed with both the city and the university site. Bicycles everywhere!

We made it to Littleton, CO nearly on time after enjoying the heavy Denver traffic. We had a pizza dinner with my cousins Steve and Mike, and Connie, Mike's wife. Patrick is now settled in front a big screen TV, and seems quite content for the night. Jean is snoring, and I'm beginning to lose track of the keys on the keyboard, so maybe that's a sign for me. More tomorrow...

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