Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Westward Ho!

Tomorrow I start moving west again.  I've enjoyed exploring this area, but I'm ready to be going home.

As I drove through Independence, Missouri, I saw a sign about the Truman Presidential Library.  Since I've never been to one, I decided to go.  And it was worth every minute I spent there.  The time period that Harry Truman was president was one that had the greatest impact on how our country survived WWII and moved into the "boomer" age.  It shaped my life in so many ways.  To see the actual documents that led to the decisions he was faced with, and to read his comments about those decisions was quite thought-provoking.  Some of the materials there were books and pamphlets that were published during the Cold War.  I remembered seeing some of those when I was growing up.  That brought back the memories of possible nuclear attacks and what to do if we saw an explosion.  Not very pleasant memories either.  Because of those turbulent times, I don't think Truman was not judged fairly back then.  Looking at what he was faced with, I believe that he did an amazing job and that history will show him to be a man of honor and great stature.

I have been experiencing lots of road construction on this trip.  While that is frustrating to drive through, I believe that it also shows that in some ways our economy is getting stronger.  It's nice to see a commitment to rebuilding our infrastructure.  Many of the highways I've been driving on are in terrible shape.

Another thing I've noticed in many areas of the country is how many cars and trucks are parked out by the road with for sale signs.  In many of the farming areas, nearly every one has a vehicle or two for sale.  Some are old beaters, but many of them are quite new.  This isn't a good sign of economic well-being.  At the same time, I have seen many home businesses being advertised as well.  Antiques and home-made pie or candy seem to be a popular combination.  Of course the usual fruit and vegetable stands are apparent too.  So I would give the central core of our country a mixed rating as far as the economy is concerned.  Things are down, but they're not giving up.  Good for them!

While driving across Missouri, I saw several billboards for a college (don't remember which one) advertising free books and laptop as part of their tuition.  Now that is a creative solution to low enrollment.  But I think that is an excellent thing for both colleges and students.  Having had to spent a considerable sum for a computer for my son, and hearing that he spent about $600 for books this term, I'd like to see that trend extend to his college as well.

I'm making a list of the things I still want to see on my way home:  the Wall Drug store, Mt. Rushmore and the Chief Crazy Horse monuments, Devil's Tower, Little Big Horn, and as many national parks as I can squeeze in too.  Hmmm, that's a lot of stuff.  I guess I'd better get some sleep so I can get an early start tomorrow.

Here are a few trip photos.  More at my Flickr page

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