Friday, December 18, 2009

Fun Web Site

There is a web site called Wordle that turns anything written into a word cloud.  You can modify the colors, background, change the layout, etc.  This is a poem I wrote in 1992 called April Fools that has been Wordled:
Wordle: April Fools

Here is the original poem:

April Fools
Turning slowly, he
passed judgement on my world
and left his editorial comment smeared,
shining on my garage door.
Not knowing the value
of my driveway, I
politely asked him
to find safer digs.
Concerned neighbors
protecting my cold slab
called the cops
disturbed my sleep
abraided something inside.
Left alone, we
might have passed that night
unknowing each other
within the relative safety of circumstance,
soft pillows for me
the "scorcerer"
for him.
"Do you want him arrested?"
Of course not! He didn't do anything.
Except leave his mark-
a note to the demon
and a gift for me,
the snot of complacency.
He ambled off
leaving me shaking
with heart-stone tears.
It's still there
encrusted now.
A sticky guidepost
to lost spirits
and comfortable ideals.
Reminding me to
sleep well.

John DeJarnatt